Unlike a text-based programming language (C, Python, Javascript, etc), Hongtu is a visual programming language. A visual programming language will use graphical elements to develop applications, usually through dragging, dropping and configuring.
Cons & Pros
Pros for visual programming language:
- Easy to get started
- Intuitive
- Easy to debug
- Less information density
- Hard to read when logic is complex
There are two types of visual programming language:
based. Some examples are:
- Scratch from MIT
- Blockly from Google
based. Some examples are:
- Unity
- Unreal Engine
While the first type are usually seen in Education, the second type are more used in Engineering. Hongtu is Node based, similar to Unreal Engine.
Hongtu runs in the browser, so any computer that can run a modern browser will be able to run Hongtu.
Browser Compatibility
Chrome >= 115
Edge >= 115